A seven-pound burger eaten in 30 minutes as part of a food challenge proved to be a near-deadly combo for a man in Singapore.
Catholic bishops hit the nail on the head – The Standard My Dear People I have watched with increasing hilarity how those in ...
The Standard My Dear People THE arrest of Alpha Media Holdings senior reporter Blessed Mhlanga has once again shown the ...
The climate controlled two-car garage has a one-bedroom apartment above it and is connected to the rest of the home by a ...
The long drawn out circus over the push to extend the disastrous leadership tenure of the Scarfed One to 2030 took another turn with the octogenarian declaring yet again that he will not rule ...
An opossum with a sweet tooth was hospitalized after it annihilated an entire Costco chocolate mousse cake that was left outside on the porch of a Nebraska real estate agent’s home this week.
The District 3 girls basketball field is official, and the Lancaster-Lebanon League and the Commonwealth Christian Athletic Conference have scarfed up 19 seeds in their respective brackets.