set out offerings of food and flowers and burn paper money to offer sacrifice and honor the dead. People also enjoy hope of Spring on this day. Planting trees, flying kites and going on family outings ...
It originated in the Shang Dynasty from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one. 春节起源于商朝,在旧的一年年末,新的一年年初,祭祀老天爷与祖先。 Strictly speaking, the ...
2024年11月15日,浙江宁波一民房发生火灾,起火地点位于客厅角落的佛龛。据了解,当天户主在家里进行拜佛祈福,因临时有事外出,未将明火熄灭 ...