Blackstone (BX) announced that Rodney Zemmel, a Senior Partner at McKinsey, who served as the global leader of both McKinsey ...
Executives at the lenders said clients are more cautious and some are pausing investments and delaying big decisions while they wait to see how things play out with President Trump's threatened ...
Executives at the lenders said clients are more cautious and some are pausing investments and delaying big decisions while they wait to see how things play out with President Trump's threatened ...
Rodney Zemmel has joined Blackstone as global head of portfolio operations, said a Feb. 27 news release.
His focus will include data science, artificial-intelligence transformation, cybersecurity and asset management.
Zemmel was a senior partner at McKinsey, who served as the global leader of both McKinsey Digital and the firm’s AI transformation initiatives.
纽约 - 全球最大的另类资产管理公司黑石集团(Blackstone,NYSE: BX)近期任命Rodney Zemmel为新任全球投资组合运营主管。该公司市值达1,950亿美元,过去十二个月收入增长近65%。根据 InvestingPro 数据显示,公司财务状况评级为"良好",并已连续19年派发股息。Zemmel此前担任McKinsey & Company高级合伙人,在领导McKinsey ...
Blackstone (NYSE: BX) announced today that Rodney Zemmel – a long-time Senior Partner at McKinsey, who served as the global ...
(Bloomberg) -- Blackstone Inc. is exploring a sale of Olympus Energy, a natural gas explorer in the Appalachian region that could be valued at up to $2 billion, according to people familiar with the ...
这些高管包括毕马威(KPMG)生态系统主管Todd Lohr、普华永道(PwC)美国首席人工智能官Dan Priest、麦肯锡(McKinsey)数字及全公司AI转型负责人Rodney Zemmel以及安永(EY)美洲首席技术官Matt Barrington。采访中,他们描绘了利用AI来提升分析、提高会议效率并推动业务 ...
最近,《BusinessInsider》采访了四家顶级咨询公司——毕马威、普华永道、麦肯锡和埃森哲的AI高管,分享了他们在日常工作中如何使用AI技术。这些高管表示,他们会定期使用各种AI工具,包括OpenAI、Google、Microsoft和Anthropic的模型,以及公司内部构建的工具,如 ...