《2025 Gaps Analysis Report》聚焦中美技术竞争,深入剖析了12个关键技术领域的现状、发展趋势,旨在为政策制定者、行业领袖和研究人员提供决策依据。 1.
高盛,于周五 (2025年3月14日) 发布2024年报 (2024 Annual Report) 及致股东的信,高盛 多项核心指标刷新纪录。数据显示,公司全年净收入同比增长16%至535亿美元,股东总回报率 (TSR) 达52%,创近十年新高.
The administration of US President Donald Trump is mulling new travel bans against 43 countries, including a possible pause ...
Li Cuili was regarded as kind of a "weirdo" when she decided to open a library at her convenience store providing books for villagers to read for free in 2008.
北京时间3月14日,NBA常规赛继续进行。根据近期的报道,太阳队球星杜兰特很有可能今夏离开太阳队,而雷霆队则是有望得到他的球队之一。对此,著名美媒Bleacher Report模拟了一套1换7的交易方案。
BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhua) -- China boasts the world's largest man-made forest and grassland areas, a fact that demonstrates its commitment to ecological conservation, according to a report released ...
虎扑03月15日讯 近日,Bleacher Report记者Eric Pincus为太阳休赛期交易杜兰特提出了一笔交易提案,火箭与爵士也参与其中。 具体提案如下: 太阳获得:马尔卡宁、兰代尔、2025年首轮签 火箭获得:凯文-杜兰特 ...
China’s corporate world is used to slashing prices to oblivion, employees working “996 schedule” (that’s 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 6 days a week), and everyone’s chasing the same shrinking slice of the pie.
The China Development Report 2024, authored by the Development Research Center of the State Council, mainly presents China's ...
俄克拉荷马城雷霆队本赛季好像势不可挡,在昨天以118-112战胜卫冕冠军波士顿凯尔特人队之后。随着季后赛的临近,他们确实有一些值得担心的事情。 据Bleacher ...