Black hole singularities should not exist, according to theories of quantum mechanics. New tweaks to Einstein's equations of ...
近日,空心光纤(HCF)技术厂商Relativity Networks宣布完成460万美元(约3362万元人民币)的种子轮融资,这一消息在科技圈引发了广泛关注。资金将主要用于扩大其空心光纤技术的生产规模,以应对高性能数据中心日益增长的需求。随着人工智能(AI)技术的快速发展,数据处理需求达到了前所未有的水平,Relativity ...
A nearly century-old offshoot of Einstein’s general theory of relativity may hold promise for solving the mysteries of dark ...
Relativity Networks是一家下一代光纤技术解决方案提供商,其空心光纤(HCF)技术具备显著优势,能让数据以比传统光纤更低的延迟实现更快速传输,数据传输距离增长了1.5倍,同时不会产生导致多位置数据协作和应用程序不同步的延迟问题。近日,Relativity ...
近日,百时美施贵宝公布了其PD-1+LAG-3组合疗法Opdualag辅助治疗可切除III至IV期黑色素瘤患者的III期临床试验结果(RELATIVITY-098),该试验未能达到主要终点目标——无复发生存期(RFS),具体数据BMS未在其新闻稿中有 ...
In a first-of-its-kind experiment conducted at the world's most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC ...
We shall endeavour to do this for the Theory of Relativity, and to show that the whole ascent is composed of small, almost self-evident steps of thought. The entire development starts off from ...
THE meeting- of the Royal Society on February 5 was devoted to a discussion on the theory of relativity. It was opened by Mr. J. H. Jeans, who said it xvas a better analogy to liken the new ...
Einstein predicted that massive objects bend light as it passes through their gravitational field. This week, a new telescope let us see this directly.
Cofounder and CEO Jason Eichenholz says his startup’s hollow-core fiber can transmit information faster and be manufactured at high volume., FX,, Central,,, ...