Farmers participate in a ceremony marking the start of spring farming in Codoi Township, Lhunzhub County of Lhasa, southwest ...
近日,国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)公布了2025年度钱伯斯大中华区法律大奖(中资律师事务所)“Chambers Greater China Region(PRC Firms)Awards 2025”提名名单 ...
Pasajeras son vistas en un tren turístico para adultos mayores, en Tianjin, en el norte de China, el 15 de marzo de 2025. Un ...
BAGHDAD, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani emphasized on Sunday that de-escalation and dialogue are the most effective paths to resolving crises in a region as ...
深圳湾科技园区正成为AI与机器人产业的集聚高地。 recent news highlights the rapid development of these technologies in the region, with companies ...
虎扑03月16日讯 KC拿下对战HLE BO5首局后G2官推发文:Is LEC actually the best region? (yes) ...
China's expertise and experience in building windbreaks on deserts have earned global acclaim. By using grass grids made of wheat straw to stabilize the sand, vast numbers of people from all walks of ...
“压力山大。”多位AWS销售对雷峰网坦言,往年他们拿到的中国区quota(销售指标)一般都不高,尤其是负责泛互客户的销售,但今年情况大变,有些人被分派的中国区quota甚至翻了十几倍。更多政策细节,可添加作者微信 xf123a 交流。
On February 19, Anyang's first 110 kV vehicle-mounted mobile substation was successfully commissioned near the Copper Smelting Zone of Anyang New Chemical Industrial Park, ensuring a stable power supp ...
La película de animación china Nezha 2 iniciará su periplo europeo en el Reino Unido e Irlanda el viernes, y en otros 37 ...
人民财讯3月14日电,据中国信通院消息,2025年2月24日—3月9日,亚太经合组织第一次高级官员会议(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation the First Senior Officials’ Meetings, APEC SOM1)在韩国庆尚北道庆州市举办。会议期间,中国信息通信研究院在3月5日下午举办了以“加速发展5G应用场景,助力亚太地区数字经济增长”(Ac ...
The Russian military operation to retake the Kursk region from Ukrainian armed forces entered its final stage, Kremlin ...