Single-shaming customs were especially prevalent in Munster with the 'Skellig Lists' mocking, teasing and insulting unmarried people ...
Meriden Animal Control is looking for the owner of a severely matted and neglected dog. They say the dog, a black and tan ...
Gen Z is leading the charge in normalising acne with their beloved secret weapon: acne patches that come in fun shapes and ...
Demonstrators gathered outside Tesla stores across the U.S. Saturday to protest the automaker's billionaire CEO, Elon Musk, ...
去年曾提交上市申请的珠宝连锁品牌周六福珠宝卷土重来,重新向港交所递交上市申请文件,中金及中信建投国际为联席保荐人。据其更新初步招股文件透露,集资将用于扩大销售网络、提高品牌知名度、及加强研发等。周六福去年传计划集资数亿美元,估值计或超过100亿元人民 ...
Dealing with a boil, especially one in and around the ear, can be both painful and frustrating. These tender, swollen bumps ...
A trendy 'health' drink popular with teenagers and young adults can trigger fatigue, shortness of breath and even heart ...
The pinkish-reddish-toned bacteria – yes, bacteria, not technically mould – loves the moist, damp conditions of an English winter. And while you may have spotted it and decided it’s an issue for ...
Denise's condition, acute peritonitis, is an infection of the stomach lining, which can be triggered by a range of factors ...
02/21 07:52 AFD responded to 617 23rd St. for a commercial fire alarm. A faulty detector was determined to be the cause. The ...
Some English words are more euphonious than others, and some are more cacophonic. Here I discuss the latter, the ugliest English words, of which I have analysed 415 from a large number of published ...
While eczema is a common condition and typically not life-threatening, it can escalate into a serious medical situation if ...