The most common concerns my clients report at this time of year are related to dry and irritated skin caused by skin-barrier disruption. The key to solving these woes is to keep complexions calm and ...
While the term "spring cleaning" is often associated with overturning our closets, it's equally as great of an approach to ...
It seems like every other day celebrities are promoting a new supplement that promises to slim your midsection, regulate your ...
The best moisturizers for aging skin will help keep your skin hydrated while also addressing signs of aging like wrinkles and ...
Due to only light regulations, supplement makers may make claims about their benefits without sufficient evidence, experts ...
See the skincare ingredients you should never mix to avoid irritation, breakouts, and reduced effectiveness. Learn what to ...
Type I: Found in skin, hair, nails, bones and tendons, Type I is the most abundant collagen, making up over 90% of the ...
The farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a bile acid nuclear receptor that plays a crucial role in regulating bile acid and sterol metabolism.
SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, infects cells by binding its spike protein to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors.
Kathleen Stebe, Richer & Elizabeth Goodwin Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE), is tackling this ...
Both Dr. Collins and Dr. Spearman recommend this advanced eye cream from SkinCeuticals for its ability to combat fine lines.
SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, infects cells by binding its spike protein to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 ...