Corporate giants like Unilever and P&G are losing market share as customers increasingly turn to indie competitors.
Shoppers are turning to smaller, more affordable food brands, impacting giants like Unilever. Hellmann's mayonnaise, for ...
Asda is in the news for all the wrong reasons again with declining sales impacting staff bonuses while shoppers are receiving ...
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield are reportedly looking to reacquire the beloved ice cream brand, claiming its corporate owner ...
The sudden ouster of Unilever CEO Hein Schumacher less than two years after his appointment is in line with a growing trend ...
2月25日,联合利华高层动荡:董事会与CEO司马翰(Hein Schumacher)达成“共同协议”,后者辞职。这几乎是闪电式的罢免,司马翰要在3月1日卸任,距离他正式上任仅过去一年半。
English-Dutch food giant Unilever ousted its CEO Hein Schumacher this week, after barely one-and-a-half years on the job, and ...
Ben & Jerry's founders seek to buy back the brand from Unilever amid a feud over Trump criticism and social justice issues.
The founders of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream have a plan after falling out with the makers of Hellman's mayo over politics.
Unilever shocked the market when it announced its chief exec Hein Schumacher would be replaced by finance chief Fernando ...
Unilever is going social with its Wall's ice cream brand, choosing Omnicom's 180 Amsterdam to handle a social-first campaign ...
Unilever Plc on Tuesday pushed out Chief Executive Officer Hein Schumacher after less than two years, signaling that the ...