A start-up firm affiliated with Keio University developed a new food source made of a powdered form of a bacterium used for natto fermented soybeans. The bacterium can be mixed into bread and ...
So when I learned about natto, a traditional Japanese breakfast food made from fermented soybeans, my interest was piqued. Natto is packed with nutrients like protein, iron, calcium, fiber ...
Natto – a integral part of Japanese cuisine – was once only known abroad by hardcore foodies. But Japanese food makers are creating new forms of the fermented soybeans and gaining global fans.
Natto is a traditional Japanese fermented food with a unique smell and stickiness. In 2020, the National Cancer Center announced that high consumption of natto lowers mortality risk. Natto not ...
Much like Italian gorgonzola, German sauerkraut and Norwegian rakfisk (fermented trout), Japanese natto falls into the category of foods people tend to either love or hate. This particular traditional ...
The Japan Natto Cooperative Society Federation (Arakawa-ku, Tokyo / Chairman: Yoshiro Noro / hereinafter, “JNCSF”) launched the “Natto Power: Japanese Fermented Food Natto, the Key to Better ...
This update has added a short animation to the top page to increase opportunities to come into contact more with diverse information about natto, and to increase usability even more. It has also added ...