Curious about how traditional mooncakes are made? Take a step behind the scenes and witness the fascinating process of making ...
时隔一年,由热依扎、王阳、啜妮主演的电视剧《无所畏惧》第二季《无所畏惧之永不放弃》近期回归荧屏,剧情依然以三个初出茅庐的女律师为核心角色,讲述她们的办案经历与律师行业的职业生态。本季故事中男女主角感情拉扯情节较多,但剧集并未顾此失彼,破坏整体的职场氛围,平分秋色的情感与职场段落为观众带来更丰富的观剧体验。 延续“大女主逆袭”的爽感 《无所畏惧》第一季讲述了律所新人罗英子(热依扎 饰)突遭婚变直面债 ...
According to experts, US President Donald Trump’s recent signing of an order imposing tariffs on exports from Canada and ...
The minister could be accused of violating the public office election law if the ministry staff who received the cakes ...
Oregon in February, and people who wanted to dodge winter weather Saturday escaped to an indoor-outdoor festival in the southern Oregon city of Jacksonville, home to the oldest urban Chinese community ...
Mooncakes, those beautifully crafted pastries with intricate designs, hold a special place in Chinese culture. While ...
Suddenly, I had to check if there were still any mooncakes left in the fridge. As I gaze at the last of the mooncakes I brought with me from China, I am also reminded of how it was first served to me ...
JOHOR BARU: As the Mid-Autumn Festival nears, it is common for Singapore residents to visit Johor Baru to buy mooncakes for their loved ones. However, a new trend has emerged, where many are also ...
JOHOR BARU: At first glance, they may look like any other mooncakes but they are made by differently-abled people. Under the guidance of volunteers, 10 trainees with various learning difficulties ...
To introduce her audience to the Mid-Autumn Festival, she drew different types of mooncakes. She also illustrated her favourite childhood snacks, such as honey lemon tea candy, as well as cha ...