Fish parasitic isopods of the family Cymothoidae are known to attach to the buccal cavity, branchial cavity, and body ...
By analyzing the microphotographs of dust samples, because of the synergistic effect of different functional components, the dust clusters in the solidified layer after treatment are interconnected to ...
where A 492 was the absorbance of extracts at 492 nm and V a was the volume of extracts. The morphological changes of algal cells were examined daily using Olympus BX53 light microscope and the ...
Paired recordings from synaptically connected layer 2/3 rat and human pyramidal cells. Modeling EPSPs latency and velocity in dendrites of human and rat L2/3 pyramidal cells based on ...
This paper presents a design and fabrication process of a cryogenic multiplexing control chip (MCC) for superconducting quantum computers. The working temperature of MCC can be 10 ∼ 30 mK, because it ...
This study provides valuable observations indicating that human pyramidal neurons propagate information as fast as rat pyramidal neurons despite their larger size. Convincing evidence demonstrates ...
Military University of Technology, 2 Kaliskiego Street, Warsaw 00-908, Poland ...