Our DNA is constantly under threat — from cell division errors to external factors like sunlight and smoking. Fortunately, ...
Early diagnosis of lung cancer is a critical priority in clinical practice. It may help reduce the rate of ...
Surprisingly, the methyl groups of the symmetrically methylated CpG sequence are each recognized in a distinct manner. Base specificity results from multiple interactions. The guanine residues ...
On the other hand, invertebrate animals generally have a "mosaic" pattern of methylation, where regions of heavily methylated DNA are interspersed with nonmethylated regions. The global pattern of ...
Early diagnosis of lung cancer is a critical priority in clinical practice. It may help reduce the rate of lung-cancer-related mortality, extend disease-free survival, and allow patients to live ...
It is a qualitative, quantitative, and efficient approach to identify methylated cytosine at single base-pair resolution. 3 Cytosine methylation occurs when a methyl group binds to the fifth carbon of ...