In the meantime, or if your grinding seems to be associated with periods of high stress or poor sleep, an over-the-counter mouth guard might help as a short-term solution (two weeks to a month).
One of those lesser-known struggles is a condition known as chemo mouth, a painful side effect of chemotherapy and radiation. For some, chemo mouth can result in mouth sores and other ...
Sleep plays an invaluable role in overall health, yet very few Britons get the recommended eight hours. Social media users ...
QUESTION: Hi Dr Zac, I’ll be the first to admit I spend way too much time scrolling TikTok – lately, my FYP (for you page) is full of people raving about mouth taping. I know nasal breathing ...
QUESTION: Hi Dr Zac, I’ll be the first to admit I spend way too much time scrolling TikTok – lately, my FYP (for you page) is full of people raving about mouth taping. I know nasal breathing ...