早在2023年,摩根士丹利首席投资官迈克·威尔逊(Mike Wilson)等看空者就认为市场可能会出现大幅回调。当时他警告称,投资者将股价推高至超出其基本面价值的水平。他补充说,快速下跌将带来“灾难性后果”。
【新智元导读】最近,来自香港大学的3位研究员开源了一款平替版「Deep Research」,只需1美元即可拥有全自动AI研究助理!它能自主搜索、分析互联网信息,还能处理复杂编程任务,甚至能自动解析PDF、生成可视化报告。性能位列全球第三,开源第一。
乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskiy)星期四(2月20日)说,“牢固的乌克兰和美国的关系造福全世界”,此言显然在试图缓解与华盛顿的紧张关系。在此之前,泽连斯基和美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald ...
In the southwest region, the box office revenues of the two megacities Chengdu and Chongqing have also surpassed the 200 ...
The U.S. released latest CPI Data of January. At the same time, even though the U.S. President Trump pushed pressure on the ...
8 天
财富FORTUNE on MSN爱马仕向员工发放近5,000美元奖金,但这笔钱买不起它的包• 时尚品牌爱马仕(Hermès)在2024年取得亮眼业绩之后,向2.5万名员工发放近5,000美元的奖金。虽然这与爱马仕著名的铂金包或凯莉包相比不值一提,但按照法国的生活成本而言,这笔奖金确实堪称丰厚。
"After 50 years of development, Yabuli has built a strong reputation as a unique venue, and for its natural advantages. These ...
"Ne Zha 2," the animated feature that has swept Chinese cinemas, has surpassed "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" to become the highest-grossing film in a single market globally.
As of 3 pm on Thursday, the film has surpassed “Black Panther” to gross over 9.8 billion yuan (including pre-sales), becoming ...
背景介紹 Primary title with Capital Research and Management Company, Senior Vice President and Capital Fixed Income Investors. Rach is a portfolio manager with Strong, where he started in March 2000 as a ...