Toshiba America Business Solutions today demonstrates its intuitive, high-performance and easy-to-use thermal printers at ...
From titanium dioxide to high-fructose corn syrup, these hidden fast-food ingredients could be affecting your health.
Having trouble figuring out which foods in the grocery store aisle are ultra-processed? Here are the tips you need to know to ...
Cruelty-free’, ‘vegan’, ‘organic’, and ‘recyclable’, the beauty industry is actively responding to consumer demand for more socially and environmentally conscious cosmetics. Yet, despite a sea of ...
Marc Marquez now believes his brother, Alex Marquez, is his main rival for the 2025 MotoGP World Championship.
Sight Unseen,' a show featuring work by blind artists, will be on display from March 22 to May 18 at the Massillon Museum.
The U.S. may add new warning labels on alcohol. But the history of cigarette warning labels suggests it's not enough.
South Dakota lawmakers have passed a bill that requires labels on political deepfakes within 90 days of an election.
In a news release, PEN America said the new law censors college classroom teaching and prohibits “religious affinity groups, programming for international students, single-sex dormitories on college ...
At $300, Sony is going to make UHD 4K fans both happy and somewhat upset with new UBP-X700/K Blu-ray disc player for 2025.
Two courses — one a deep dive into the Harry Potter series and a second contrasting musical composers — will be taught as part of the Honors College Retro Readings next fall.
These four artists were more or less canceled by their labels, and they could have easily been bigger without those roadblocks.