Capable of dancing, playing soccer, and walking on a balance beam, why are the robots from Unitree Robotics in east China's Hangzhou City so popular?
在美国大选期间,世界首富马斯克一直大力支持唐纳德·特朗普,于是在当选之后,特朗普将削减联邦政府支出的重任托付给了马斯克。 “政府效率部”(Department of Government ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
就在今天,二月A股收官之日,年内最火爆的题材——人形机器人板块全线大跌,引发有相关布局的强势公募产品净值大幅回调。其中,今年排名第一的鹏华碳中和,单日跌幅就超过8%。混合型基金涨幅榜 冠军基金限制大额申购鹏华碳中和主题混合,无疑是今年业绩最猛的基金 ...
Three people have been jailed over a 21 million yuan (US$2.89 million) corruption scandal involving French luxury giant ...
当地时间2月26日,包括《基辅独立报》在内的多家媒体发布了乌克兰和美国即将签署的矿产协议最终文本。根据乌媒公布的文本,该协议共11点内容。 WHEREAS the United States of America has provided significant financial and material support to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale ...
WHEREAS the United States of America and Ukraine desire a lasting peace in Ukraine and a durable partnership between their two peoples and governments; 鉴于美利坚合众国和乌克兰希望乌克兰实现持久和平,并希望两国人民和政府之间建立持久的伙伴关系; W ...
As of Monday, the Chinese mythical franchise Ne Zha 2, or Ne Zha: Demon Child Conquers the Sea, has surpassed 13.6 billion yuan ($1.88 billion) in worldwide box office revenue, including presales, ...
Beyond the Crisis of NETA Automobile: Are State-Owned Shareholders the Biggest Suppliers?,with,automobile,owned,complete,million,new ...