The model comes at the starting price of Rs 12.97 lakh, while the top model goes up to Rs 20.18 (all ex-showroom).
The actress recently attended a grand felicitation event in Chennai, where she celebrated 15 years in the film industry.
On the list of exotic locales in the tall tales and adventure stories of our childhoods are the names of a scattering of places that, to our surprise as adults, turn out to exist in the real world: ...
Welcome to the ICICI Bank Stock Liveblog, your go-to platform for real-time updates and analysis on a top-performing stock.
This article was published by IBN, a multifaceted communications organization engaged in connecting public companies to the ...
Show portraying life of first Umayyad caliph banned in Iraq over sectarian tension fears and criticised in Egypt over ...
But which of these two stocks is more attractive to value investors? We'll need to take a closer look to find out. Everyone has their own methods for finding great value opportunities, but our model ...
今年2月,一位普通股民在雪球论坛看到一张AI问答截图:“某公司已投资AI巨头DeepSeek,股价即将暴涨!”对于在股市中摸爬滚打、渴望抓住每一个投资机会的股民来说,这无疑是一条极具诱惑的消息。他坚信截图中的内容,并且兴奋地跟风买入,结果次日发现该公 ...
生活小课堂 on MSN1 天
超市买回来的肉“冒绿光”还能吃吗?关键看4点在日常生活中,谁没有在超市或市场上买过肉类呢? 无论是香喷喷的牛肉、猪肉,还是营养丰富的羊肉,它们都在我们的餐桌上扮演着重要角色。 但是,你有没有在买肉时,突然发现某一块肉在切开后,竟然闪烁着绿光或者彩虹般的色彩? 是肉变质了吗? 它能吃吗?
Stay updated with the ICICI Bank Stock Liveblog, your one-stop destination for real-time information and analysis of a ...
ICICI Bank report predicts strong GVA growth in manufacturing and services sectors in Q3FY25, driven by improved ...
Ramadan is an ideal time to quit smoking, backbiting, cursing, and excessive phone or computer use. Scholars advise that ...