Siri has caught a lot of well-deserved flak over the years for being one of the most obtuse voice assistants out there, but it seems that Apple’s attempt to mate Siri with ChatGPT may have produced ...
The iPhone 14 is the iPhone model that Apple will introduce in the fall of 2022. That’s still a good way off into the future, but the supply chain is already painting a picture of what to expect.
1月21日报道,近日,一位国际知名的爆料博主在网上分享了一张据称来自泄露软件代码的截图,这张截图展示了苹果新款手机iPhone SE 4(也有传言称其为iPhone 16E)的外观设计令人惊艳。与前几代的iPhone 13和iPhone 14采用刘海屏的设计不同,iPhone SE 4将惊喜地配备灵动岛。