Apple has to know that Siri is failing to meet expectations. When one of Apple’s most loyal fans, John Gruber, pens a ...
Siri has caught a lot of well-deserved flak over the years for being one of the most obtuse voice assistants out there, but it seems that Apple’s attempt to mate Siri with ChatGPT may have produced ...
据外媒报道,去年下半年开始,就不断有消息称苹果会对今年秋季将推出的iPhone 17系列进行调整,不会有Plus版,将由屏幕略小但机身更薄的Slim版取代,随后有消息称命名将采用iPad和MacBook中存在的Air,命名为iPhone 17 Air。 随着时间的推移,有关iPhone 17 Air的具体细节也在不断浮出水面。知名苹果产品分析师郭明錤,此前曾表示机身最薄处仅5.5毫米,将是苹果推出 ...
Apple tweaked iPhone 16 Pro screen sizes to make them bigger than 2023's iPhone 15 Pro models, and this year we are also ...
For the past few months, the whisperings around Apple’s upcoming iPhone SE 4 and iPhone 17 'Air' have reached a fever pitch.
Apple last updated its entry-level iPhone in March 2022, adding a few nips and tucks here and there along with a quiet price ...
The iPhone 14 is the iPhone model that Apple will introduce in the fall of 2022. That’s still a good way off into the future, but the supply chain is already painting a picture of what to expect.
Apple Intelligence will only be enabled by default for hardware that supports it. For the iPhone, that's just the iPhone 15 ...
Apple's cheaper alternative to the flagship iPhone is finally looking to compete in the midrange market it has ignored for ...
近期,科技圈再次被一则关于苹果即将发布的新款iPhone SE 4的消息引爆。一位海外知名爆料者分享了一张据信是从内部泄露的软件代码截图,揭示了这款备受期待的手机或将搭载灵动岛设计,而非沿用iPhone 13或14系列的刘海屏。
有外媒根据爆料信息为iPhone SE 4制作的渲染图展现出其与当前市场在售iPhone的显著不同,渲染图显示SE 4可能会比其他现有机型更加简洁,甚至有用户戏称其为“iPhone 4的全面屏复刻版”。从设计的角度来看,这种趋势显然是苹果希望在保持优雅的同时,追求更加现代化的视觉效果。
1月21日报道,近日,一位国际知名的爆料博主在网上分享了一张据称来自泄露软件代码的截图,这张截图展示了苹果新款手机iPhone SE 4(也有传言称其为iPhone 16E)的外观设计令人惊艳。与前几代的iPhone 13和iPhone 14采用刘海屏的设计不同,iPhone SE 4将惊喜地配备灵动岛。