在iPhone 15系列的销售中,消费者购买行为的转变也值得关注。新机发布后,科技爱好者们通常会迅速购买Pro和Pro Max等高端机型,以体验最新的技术如钛金属边框和潜望式镜头,这种“先顶配后标配”的购买模式让苹果在销售淡季也能保持稳定的收入。而当市场热度稍退,基础款iPhone的销售也会随之提升,反映出消费者在价格和性能之间寻找平衡的消费策略。
VirtualBox is now available for Apple Silicon-based Macs, although with spotty x86 support. Here's how to use it.
Apple iPhone 15系列包办前三名; iPhone 16 Pro系列在上市首个完整季度表现优于其他iPhone 16; 三星四款机型进入前十,Galaxy S系列自2018年以来首次重返榜单,Galaxy S24 Ultra表现亮眼; ...
: One NZ’s Satellite TXT service, running over Elon Musk’s Starlink, will now work with an iPhone 14 or later. The move ...
Commercial Times reports that TSMC might increase the prices of its most advanced semiconductor wafers by up to 15 percent this year. Rising production costs and ...
Apple is fighting to defend its multi-billion dollar search engine deal with Google as Google is prosecuted for antitrust ...
I compiled Apple's top ten major areas of innovation over the past 25 years. Let's look at the decisions that led to this ...
Apple is set to change its established formula with the iPhone 17 range this year. Here's all the latest news, rumours and ...
photo tips cards, 25 minutes of video lessons, 24 software extras and an ebook – another unrivaled selection from the world’s ...
With Super Bowl ad prices setting records, John Stamos and streaming firm Zeam are taking a more targeted approach, with an ad on select Fox stations.