出品:新浪财经创投Plus  作者:shu据中国基金业协会数据显示,2025年2月新增登记的私募股权、创业投资基金管理人仅6家,在1月低位基础上再降四分之一,与2024年同期基本持平;月内已注销私募股权、创业投资基金管理人共24家,其中一半 ...
今开: @open@ 最高: @high@ 最低: @low@ 成交量: @volume@ 成交额: @amount@ 换手率: @turnover@ 市盈率 TTM : @pe@ 市净率: @pb@ 总市值: @totalS ...
Gary is joined by Ben Shephard as he travels up into the mountains to Iona Wines where they pick grapes and are treated to some home cooking. The pair then meet one of the country's youngest wine prod ...