This year's Spring Festival saw the Chaoyang Yingge, a traditional dance, travel to Germany and France to participate in the ...
(法新社柏林8日电) 德国即将举行联邦议会选举之际,当局表示今天又有抗议极右派的游行活动,包括慕尼黑约25万人走上街头。
直播吧2月7日讯 据专门报道 拜仁慕尼黑 和德国队消息的推特账号Bayern&Germany消息称,本杰明-赫内斯被任命为拜仁的全球合作总监。本杰明-赫内斯是乌利-赫内斯的侄子, 塞巴斯蒂安-赫内斯 的兄弟。
WILHELMSHAVEN, Germany, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- It was a crisp Friday morning when the Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven (CTW) ...
既有 JJJJound 简约时尚的加持,还是 Made-in-Germany 的德产身份,Superstar 又将迎来一款「低调奢华」的新品。这双 JJJJound x adidas Superstar Made in Germany ...
JJJJound 和 adidas Originals 继去年一同推出 Samba 联名鞋款系列 之后,今番双方选择同为经典的 Superstar ...
The news of the day from Germany and the world. With reports and interviews from politics, society and culture. Provided by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) in Mainz, Germany. Delivered via file tran ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
据法新社报道,主办单位表示有20万人参加游行,谴责最大在野党基督教民主联盟(CDU)寻求极右翼德国另类选择党(Alternative for Germany)支持,违反德国自第二次世界大战以来在国家层级不与极右派合作的不成文协议。