During Purim, when the Jewish people faced annihilation, Mordechai didn’t appeal to political figures or form alliances—he ...
In January, Doug Sosnik, a one-time adviser to former president Bill Clinton, pointed out that, as was the case in 1980, “the Democrats are a party controlled by elites, liberals and special interest ...
The so -called culture woke (literally “awake”, but a more accurate translation could be “aware”) is today at the center ...
In his comments on English identity, Konstantin Kisin was giving voice to a racial essentialism dangerously prominent on the ...
Anyone who has critiqued, or even dared to question, the ideology of the transgender movement likely has been accused of being a “biological ...
Here is the scoop on where to find Xur in Destiny 2, what exotic and legendary items are on sale and whether any are worth ...
If you are about to start your career and feeling under confident and don't know where to start from, these books will give ...
Gender essentialism is the belief that gender is some innate, unchanging, biologically deterministic category for people, ...
A new TikTok trend has users filming their living spaces to show how they’ve split the decor to create a “boy girl apartment.” This means there is a fairly even distribution of girly and ...
except perhaps insufficiently committed to legalistic race and gender essentialism.” Fact is, the party has “ceded” its influence to “progressive activist groups” that lack “broad ...