The second act of a popular reprogramming factor could maximize the potential of iPSCs in research and regenerative medicine.
In the world of paints, coatings and inks, pigments play a crucial role in determining the final product’s color, performance, and durability. However, selecting and optimizing the right pigment is a ...
College of Life Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, No. 46, Xinkang Road, Ya’an 625014, China ...
美国 Invigentech(英克)公司作为全球细胞培养领域的创新引领者,专注于开发一系列前沿产品。其业务范围广泛,涵盖胎牛血清、细胞活力检查、细胞筛选、细胞支原体清除、细胞转染以及组织再生的新型血清替代品等多个关键领域。
A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilova 28, 119334 Moscow, Russia N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of ...