The Eau Claire Leader-Telegram supports new AI majors at the UW-Eau Claire. They are a step in the right direction, the paper editorializes, splitting the technological side from the practical side to ...
Mentre in economia il governo dei patrioti arranca, la Spagna socialista di Pedro Sanchez corre come un treno. Su Pnrr, investimenti e immigrazione gli iberici fanno meglio di noi. In 43 anni ...
And the beast must be soothed… ‘Any country seeking support from IMF will have to tackle the pressure exerted by the US with regard to the economic reforms,’ editorializes the Daily Mirror. So ...
Welcome to the 250 th weekly issue of ee. Why announce this number? As a dubious index of a meagre weekly effort? Yet, scan the newspapers and you’ll find awards galore being handed out by the ...
IT was just a year back that India’s world-renowned business school, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, celebrated 60 years of its inception. And today, ironically, it is ...
A ruling party proposal to give the Self-Defense Forces the ability to strike enemy bases would be a clear deviation from Japan’s constitutional “senshu boei” principle of exclusively ...
Davos Isn’t as Smug or as Cool as It Used to Be The Mexican Government Can’t Handle the Truth Trump’s Tariff Folly Idris Elba’s War on Knifepoints Doesn’t Go Far Enough Loading chunk ...
With the 2022 Winter Olympics now in full swing, Beijing is in the global spotlight over the high-stakes game of diplomacy that is being played out. China reportedly rolled out the red carpet ...
Unfashionable though it is to say, Russia’s military incursion into Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula does not represent, as the Financial Times editorializes, a second Cold War. Instead ...