深圳国资国企 recently launched an initiative to promote open innovation and collaboration between state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and private companies. This move is part of a broader strategy to foster ...
A Chinese research team has developed an AI tool that predicts liver cancer recurrence risk with 82.2 percent accuracy, ...
Professor Tao Lei's team performed the world's first remote non-invasive surgery on a patient with a glottic tumor in Kashgar, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, using China's ...
Lingxi X2 boasts a flexible material exterior and remarkable agility, enabling it to walk, run, turn, and even perform ...
作为氢能利用的一种重要形式,氢燃料电池是将氢气和氧气的化学能直接转换成电能的发电装置,具有无污染、噪声低、高效率等特点。氢燃料电池的工作原理是氢气通过燃料电池的正极当中的催化剂(铂)分解成电子和氢离子(质子)。其中质子通过质子交换膜到达负极和氧气反应 ...
【医学突破:#全球首例微创脑脊接口手术#】在瘫痪两年后,林先生接受了全球首例微创脑脊接口手术,状态从完全截瘫变为重获行走能力。这一突破性手术由复旦大学类脑智能科学与技术研究院加福民团队研发,采用全球首创的“三合一”脑脊接口技术,将两个直径仅1毫米的电极芯片精准植入患者运动脑区,实现微创治疗。目前,该团队已联合复旦大学附属中山医院,成功完成全球首批4例临床概念验证手术。这一医学突破为脊髓损伤治疗开辟 ...
As China’s gateway to the world, Guangdong is expanding high-level opening up by easing market access and improving the business climate. The province’s success in high-level openness is evident in ...
BEIJING, March 6 (Xinhua) -- A major Chinese electric generator producer, Harbin Electric Corporation, has achieved a milestone in the high-end equipment manufacturing sector with the successful ...
BEIJING, March 6 (Xinhua) -- China's independently developed hydrogen fuel cell has successfully generated electricity at the country's Qinling Station in Antarctica, marking the first ever ...
IT之家2 月 17 日消息,据上海振华重工启东海洋工程股份有限公司消息,2 月 17 日上午,世界桩架最高、吊桩能力最大、施打桩长最长、抗风浪能力最强的 150 米打桩船“二航长青”轮顺利启航。该轮此次驶往苏嘉甬高铁 —— 杭州湾跨海铁路大桥施工现场,未来 ...