In Galawain's Tusks you can assemble the Totem of Perseverance by finding the totem base and six pieces throughout the region. A list of the totem pieces can be purchased from a vendor in Solace ...
The pieces are brief – some shorter than a minute – yet the set is filled with such variety of invention and so many shades of expression that the listener can be left agape. Where does he ...
George Frideric Handel was one of the greatest composers of the Baroque period. Opera dominated Handel’s career, yet he was better known for his oratorios and instrumental works for several ...
There were also forged pieces purporting to be from Mario Puccini, Giacomo Balla and Afro Basaldella, as well as several other celebrated artists. The workshop where the paintings were being ...
Looking for a romantic soundtrack for Valentine’s Day? Enjoy our live playlist, Romantic Classics on Global Player – one continuous stream of the most indulgent classical music. But for now, let’s ...