I n a little over two weeks, more than 3,000 billion liters of water recently flooded out of an ice-dammed lake in East Greenland. It’s the first time scientists have closely documented such an ...
Scientists have, for the first time, observed a massive glacial lake outburst in East Greenland, releasing over 3,000 billion ...
Life cycle of the Shisper Glacier lake The glacier began surging in early 2018, blocking a river and forming an ice-dammed lake. Researchers from the University of Portsmouth and the International ...
The Birth of a Lake boardwalk trail is pictured at Coldwater Lake on Thursday, Jan. 23. "This short, accessible boardwalk ...
Manzanita Lake was formed when Orr irrigation ditch (south of the lake) was dammed on Nov. 25, 1911. Today, swans, ducks, and even some turtles like to call it home. Manzanita Bowl, to the south of ...
More information: Harold Lovell et al, Multiple phases of ice-dammed lake formation and drainage associated with a surge of Shisper Glacier, western Karakoram, Journal of Glaciology (2024). DOI ...
Patni, who was part of multiple teams addressing the threats posed by landslide-dammed lakes across the Himalayan region, stressed the urgent need for identifying vulnerable and weak slopes along ...
Prior to acquisition of the original charter for William & Mary in 1693, Lake Matoaka was an open watercourse of streams and wetlands known as Archer's Hope Swamp. Some time between 1700 and 1750 this ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers just opened up two California dams. A spokesperson says the flows are 'controlled' and being ...
Kielder Water spillway and stilling basin (Image: NQ) Long before Catcleugh Reservoir was created, wild cats roamed the open woodland and rocky cleughs in the valleys. The name Cat Clough was well ...