Long live the new flesh.” The most famous line in any Cronenberg picture, uttered by Videodrome’s Max Renn (James Woods), is also something of a mission statement for much of the Canadian master’s ...
Dan Berk and Robert Olsen went on a backpacking trip with Maika Monroe and Jake Lacy for this 2022 sci-fi horror.
December tidings brought me back to the hospital listed on my birth certificate, stuck cameras down my gullet, probes up my ...
Intimate Touch is a series of corporeal jewellery hidden within the rhythms of everyday life. These wearable silver pieces ...
I found myself ruminating over the life arc of President Jimmy Carter during the week after his recent passing as he was ...
Four writers talk about the ex-governor’s mayoral run and what it means that voters are now so willing to accept tarnished ...
The entity manifests more like a trick of lighting than anything corporeal. In each case, when the women attempt to confront the presence, they hear the same horrific wailing. Martin-Calero co ...
If you buy something from an Eater link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics policy. A word on chainmail gloves: I recently discovered that there is actually this thing called the ...