The breakthrough has come following trials undertaken by Spratt’s Game Foods in conjunction with vets and nutritionists. The triple strain probiotic additive is now being produced by Danish bioscience ...
Antibiotics increase the gut oxygen levels and favor growth of harmful fungi. Chemically restoring intestinal gut hypoxia ...
Antibiotic alternatives are needed for controlling diseases that cause high mortality. A vaccine discovery for Clostridial dermatitis in turkeys could lead to developing improved prophylactic ...
Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2013;9(8):735-747. A diet likely to be generally beneficial to IBD patients was developed from [37]. A recipe book was put together, and relevant companies approached for ...
In an article published in Cell Reports, Nagler’s team demonstrated that Clostridia-produced flagella and indole, a tryptophan metabolite, also promote barrier integrity. 3 To determine the role of ...
In the original article, there was an error in the Data availability statement. The dataset deposited on the Zenodo link was incomplete and the MALDI spectra were ...