夜幕来临,你是否曾悄悄打开儿童房间的门,留意孩子蜷缩的睡姿,因趴睡而微微侧弯的脊背,还有在睡梦中也未得到彻底放松的肩膀……这些无声的“成长隐患”,正在无数个夜晚悄然累积。儿童脊柱筛查调研数据显示,高达8%的孩子都发现了不同程度的脊柱健康问题,且数据呈明显上升趋势。脊椎健康问题,与近视、心理健康一起成为儿童和青少年三大“成长杀手”。 该如何保护孩子的脊椎健康,守护孩子的成长?日前,AI床垫发明者,A ...
The UN agency has heeded the government's plea to develop child-centered interventions and responses to flooding, said Joan Matji, UNICEF's country representative to Botswana, during the donation ...
From Saturday, Shanghai Metro passengers will be able to bring more than two children free as part of the measures to improve ...
同样有研究显示,在经过 10 周的体育锻炼后,6 岁孩子的专注力、空间记忆力就比对照组的孩子更好 [2]。而他们的体育锻炼,仅仅是每周多了 2 个小时的身体活动时间。 俄勒冈州立大学 Derek R. Becker 的一项研究显示,在幼儿园里的 51 ...
So far, 107 Cambodian children with congenital heart disease have been sent to China for free surgery and successful recovery, while another 10 children have been treated and recovered in Cambodia.
专辑中的一首曲目“Lake Bodom”就是对这种传承与情感的真实表达。这首歌深入人心的旋律与Shinomoto独特的演绎方式结合,形成了一种全新的音乐体验。他鼓励听众在不同文化交融的背景下,去探索和感受音乐带来的力量与美感。
文|黄伟冰 《CC情报局》特约撰稿员编辑|屈功泽 白金娜核心提要:1. 2月23日,39岁OpenAI创始人山姆·奥特曼与同性伴侣奥利弗·穆赫林或将迎来人类历史上首个"双父生育"的男婴。据透露,这个婴儿可能采用奥特曼本人投 ...
Facilities of scenic area help shorten children's journey to school in China's Yunnan ...
"Two children, a boy and a girl, were killed in the unexploded ordnance explosion," he wrote on social media, adding that one died at the scene and the other in hospital. He said both were two years ...