Fotos em preto e branco da artista da Ópera Yue, Yin Guifang, estão alinhadas nas paredes, capturando sua graça e paixão no ...
People view the joint exhibition booth of Chinese films at the Hong Kong International Film and TV Market (FILMART) in Hong ...
Como os dois maiores países em desenvolvimento, a China e a Índia têm uma tarefa compartilhada para alcançar o desenvolvimento e a revitalização respectivos, e devem se entender e apoiar mutuamente e ...
慕尼黑上海分析生化展(analytica China 2026)将于2026年11月16-18日在上海新国际博览中心N1-N5,E6-E7馆盛大举行。早鸟优惠申请现已正式启动,新老展商在2025年8月31日前报名均可享早鸟价格优惠。点击网址,即刻报名享早鸟优惠。
新闻提要■地表最盛大的宗教集会印度「大壶节」今年盛况空前,吸引逾6.6亿名信眾和外国访客前来朝圣,创下新高纪录。精句选粹■India’s Maha Kumbh pilgrimage is drawing to a close after ...
Standing for more than 700 years, the ancient building is testament to Beijing's history. Surrounding it, the labyrinth of ...
Manufacturers are quickly moving their operations out of China. The maker of Bratz and L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls has announced plans to shift 40 percent of its manufacturing to India, Vietnam, and ...
The widespread sell-off was "mostly driven by anxiety about the impact" of the US government's tariff policy. US president ...
联想在Tech World India 2025上宣布,计划在未来三年内,在印度本地生产供应印度市场的所有PC型号。该公司还准备在本地治里(Pondicherry)生产基于GPU的人工智能(AI)服务器。
在上周举办的Lenovo TechWorld India 2025大会上,联想宣布了一项重要计划:未来三年内,将实现供应印度市场的所有PC型号均在印度本土制造。这一举措旨在满足印度国内外不断增长的PC需求,并进一步巩固联想在印度市场的地位。
La victoria de Donald Trump el pasado mes de noviembre y, sobre todo, el despliegue de una política ferozmente proteccionista ...
El planeta es tan enorme que aún queda muchos lugares desconocidos para el mundo occidental. El diario The Sun publicó el ...