In response to the killing of an elderly South Texas rancher and U.S. citizen by a suspected cartel explosive, the Trump ...
Several cartel operatives said that for the first time in years, they genuinely feared arrest or death at the hands of the ...
Colombia President Gustavo Petro is calling on his country's Congress to legalize marijuana, saying its prohibition "only ...
President Donald Trump’s crackdown on drug cartels and unprecedented pressure on the Mexican government to take more action ...
While some are back dancing in the street, the lives of others touched by cartel violence in Mexico’s Culiacan will never be ...
Prosecutors said Rudy Silva was a prolific drug trafficker who ordered a cartel ‘sicario’ to shoot an alleged drug thief ...
A cartel boss known as "El Gato," linked to a 2013 Southlake murder-for-hire, has been extradited from Mexico to the United ...
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