Love 'em or not, the vulture bird is an essential part of our ecosystem. Find out why vultures don't sing, how long they live ...
The bird of prey has become extinct from Ireland twice but managed to recover until it is common and widespread once more ...
No bird of prey strikes fear into small animals quite like buzzards. They are large, cunning, and resourceful. While this ...
On Feb. 14, owner of Steadfast Animal Rescue, Jessica Pisciotta, received a letter from the city saying she had 30 days to relocate her wild animal rescue facility that she was running out of her ...
Feb. 22, the new Patriot State training ship tied up at Buzzards Bay pier after 8,202 nautical miles on sea term.
Join the Cape Cod Times as we head to sea on the last leg of the Mass. Maritime Academy sea term, from Tampa, Florida back to ...
Plymouth-based Whale and Dolphin Conservation monitored the seal's condition and kept people from getting too close before ...
Mass. Maritime Academy cadets aboard the new Patriot State training ship take advantage the ship's state-of-the-art ...
Massachusetts lawmakers are proposing a commission to find funding to address nitrogen pollution in Buzzards Bay. The estimated cost to combat wastewater pollution in the bay is over $2 billion.
The scene aboard MMA's new training ship Monday, as over 500 maritime cadets set sail from Tampa, Florida, heading home to Buzzards Bay.
The Massachusetts Maritime Academy training ship Patriot State set out to sea on Jan. 11 from Buzzards Bay with over 600 ...