On Monday, a jury decided that MOANA was not copied from writer and animator Buck Woodall’s script for “Bucky the Surfer Boy.
A federal jury ruled in Disney's favor on Monday, delivering a swift verdict in a copyright lawsuit case in which a man ...
A jury on Monday quickly and completely rejected a man’s claim that Disney’s “Moana” was stolen from his story of a<a ...
A Los Angeles jury ruled in favor of Disney, determining that the company did not unlawfully borrow the idea for Moana from ...
The Moana series could be getting more installments, but it's already a huge success for the Disney corporation - and if winning over the critics and bringing home the money weren ...
每一次判决背后都是更深层次的文化与法律的碰撞。在庆功烟花照亮加州夜空的时刻,某个新墨西哥州的公寓内,或许又有一份关于波利尼西亚的剧本正在加密上传,就如同这场版权的纠纷所留下的所有未解之谜,未来的故事仍在等待被书写。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
'我是莫阿娜,来自大海的女儿。'这句经典台词不仅深深烙印在无数观众的心中,也成为了电影《海洋奇缘》最鲜明的标志之一。然而,近日围绕这部深受喜爱的作品爆发了一场版权争议,原作者巴克·伍德尔(Buck Woodall)指控迪士尼在其创作过程中剽窃了他的动画剧本《冲浪战士巴克》的核心创意与元素。这场纠纷不仅引发了公众对于原创性保护的关注,更让我们重新审视了艺术创作中的灵感来源与版权归属问题。
Buck Woodall’s five-year legal battle alleging copyright infringement against Disney’s Moana has come to an end—for now.