Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
As the football season reaches its climax, transfer rumors are heating up, and one name is dominating discussions: Alvarez. Reports from Anfield Watch indicate that Liverpool is keen to bring Atletico ...
绿意浅浅春风暖,学习雷锋正当时。为大力弘扬和传承雷锋精神,在第62个学雷锋纪念日来临之际,隰县人民法院组织开展学雷锋志愿服务系列活动,用实际行动践行雷锋精神。 法润心田 法治宣传进万家 为提高群众的法律意识,增强依法维权能力,隰县人民 ...
近日,湖南张家界智慧旅游平台迎来里程碑式升级,中国电信湖南公司携手张家界市文旅广体局,以国产开源大模型DeepSeek为核心引擎,依托天翼云全域算力与智能化运营能力,为全球游客开启“Al+文旅”新纪元,重塑智慧旅游标杆体验。 技术赋能,智旅生态再 ...