A new plan will address housing and blight issues in Reading. City Council has voted unanimously to adopt a comprehensive ...
The secretary said his office worked to secure between $10 million and $13 million in federal Blight Elimination Program ...
Demolition crews have cleared away fire-torched piles of rubble on a downtown San Jose site that for years has been a ...
Jonesboro, Indiana, receives a $375,000 grant for blight clearance, aiming to demolish the old JC Knight School and ...
Lake Station is taking steps to crack down on residents with unsightly, blighted yards and houses. The city council approved initial readings of three ordinances, including the establishment of a ...
House Bill 1879, called the "City of Jackson Revitalization Act," would have incentivized buying and renovating abandoned ...
Ocean Springs homeowners on Wednesday appealed a federal court’s decision to dismiss their lawsuit against the city. The ...
Ultra-reliable centre half-forward Matthew Robran (36 games), matchwinner Darren Jarman (34) and champion ruckman Shaun Rehn ...
Detroit City Council on Tuesday settled a bundle of lawsuits with developer Dennis Kefallinos to bring his properties up to ...