"When we look at changes over time, we see that women have faster rates of tau accumulation than men in areas of the brain ...
An anti-inflammatory diet boosts nutrients that stave off dementia and chronic disease.
Science reveals why Alzheimer’s may hit men harder and faster than women. If you or a loved one is at risk, here's all you ...
When Paul Cotter's father began to show signs of early-onset Alzheimer's disease, he lost job after job. Then a small local company offered him a role that helped rebuild his sense of purpose.
Doctors are constantly seeking clues to help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and researchers at the Indiana University School of ...
在研究结论与讨论部分,研究人员发现了 15 个 PSEN1、5 个 PSEN2 和 4 个 APP 罕见变异,其中 8 个为新变异。对部分未进行过功能分析的变异进行研究后,发现它们可能是 AD 的致病因素。这些结果凸显了 APP/PSENs 变异在中国 EOAD 患者中的普遍性和致病性意义,拓展了 EOAD 的表型和基因型谱。不过,研究也存在一定局限性,如样本量有限,部分变异的致病性还需进一步确认 ...
Texas Senate Bill 5 would create the Dementia Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. Voters would be asked this fall to ...
In celebration of Women's History Month, guest host Simu Liu meets Tara Chklovksi, the CEO and founder of Technovation, a ...
Before this diagnosis in China, the youngest patient with Alzheimer's was 21 years old. They carried the PSEN1 gene mutation, ...
Advocates for Alzheimer's patients say they expect the number of Floridians afflicted with the disease to increase ...
The bill would create a dedicated 'Director of Dementia Care and Coordination' position inside the Executive Office of Health ...
A decade after scientists in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT first began testing whether sensory stimulation of the brain's 40Hz "gamma" frequency rhythms could treat Alzheimer's ...