Money allocated in a city budget pays for road and infrastructure projects and provides essential services for residents. In ...
Mayor Jim Donchess’s recent State of the City address to the Board of Aldermen (he will deliver a similar address to the ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson cajoled a slim majority of alders to approve his irresponsible $830 million bond plan. Investors are ...
While Nashua aldermen at Tuesday night’s meeting voted in favor of an amended version of a measure that would have increased ...
The Franklin Board of Mayor and Aldermen recently voted to name its new 233-acre municipal complex after a former alderman ...
A reoccurring theme of Feb. 18’s board of aldermen meeting focused on the city’s water system. An action item to try helping ...
The Quincy City Council approved two resolutions to tackle some of the city's infrastructure issues at Monday's meeting while ...
The new 14-member St. Louis Board of Aldermen and President Megan Green go to work on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, during their first meeting in chambers at City Hall. The meeting marks the end of the ...
Officers Brian Townsend and Max Burdine were promoted to lieutenant, effective February 14. Mayor Tim Kyle expressed… The ...
We keep learning more highly questionable aspects of the Johnson administration’s plan to float $830 million in new bonds.