-- 据彭博新闻报道,连锁药店 Rite Aid Corp. 正在与其资产抵押贷款提供方进行谈判,以获取其贷款额度的全部使用权。知情人士透露,这是该公司实施重组计划的一部分。 Rite Aid 正在寻求额外资金以补充库存。据知情人士透露,该公司正在与贷款方商讨取消目前阻止其充分利用贷款额度的限制。由于信息的私密性质,这些消息来源要求匿名。
周四,RBC Capital Markets开始对专注于无导管胰岛素泵技术的医疗设备公司Insulet Corporation(NASDAQ:PODD)进行覆盖。该机构给予公司股票"优于大市"评级,目标价为340.00美元。根据InvestingPro数据显示,该股过去一年回报率达63%,目前交易价格接近52周高点289.46美元。
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian made the remarks at a regular press briefing when asked to comment on reports claiming that the Trump administration had released US$5.3 billion in ...
This year marks the 50th anniversary of medical aid carried out by East China’s Fujian province to Senegal in West Africa. Behind the crossing of borders, races and languages is the silent dedication ...