Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
索尼SONYWF-C510入耳式真无线蓝牙耳机,黄色款现正促销中!这款耳机是索尼“TrulyWireless”系列的全新力作,相比前代新增语音隔离功能,同时提升了电池续航能力。作为索尼迄今为止生产的“最小的封闭式耳机”,WF-C ...
近期,科技新闻界传来了一则关于苹果公司的创新动向。据9to5Mac报道,在深入探索iOS 18.4 Beta 1的更新代码后,他们发现了苹果即将为Mac设备引入一项新功能,该功能类似于iPhone和iPad上已有的“近距离配对”(Proximity Pairing)技术。 Proximity Pairing技术最初是为了方便AirPods与iOS设备之间的配对而设计的。它利用蓝牙低功耗(BLE)技 ...
French President Emmanuel Macron and First Lady Brigitte Macron hosted VP JD Vance and Second Lady Usha Vance while the pair visit Paris for an AI summit.