In addition to Shenzhen, other cities across China, including Beijing, Chengdu and Wuhan, have also introduced similar ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
The center also renewed a yellow alert for heavy fog, warning that visibility in some areas including the Bohai Sea, the ...
2024 YR4真的会撞地球吗2024 YR4真的会撞地球吗 @Unsplash有颗小行星可能要撞地球了?这并非谣言,但事实可能没有你想象的那么可怕。这颗名为2024 ...
实验表明,FSCA 在多个任务中均取得了更优的性能。尤其在 Few-Shot 预测和 Zero-Shot 预测中,FSCA 分别超越次优方法 6.7% 和 13.3%。FSCA 在 Few-Shot 和 Zero-Shot ...
With a few nigella seeds tucked in the palm of her hand, six-year-old Dounia journeys across Syria and further, towards a new world, with the Princess of Aleppo's help.
Assuming that the measures US President Donald Trump has taken in the first few weeks in office reflect, a new and ...
当地时间2月24日至25日,加拿大总理特鲁多的潜在继任者们进了两场辩论。不出所料,如何应对美国总统特朗普成为各候选人最关注的话题之一。 特朗普再次当选美国总统后,多次将加拿大称为“美国第51州”;美国对加拿大产品的25%额外关税也“箭在弦上 ...
在当今信息爆炸的时代,高效地使用提示词(prompt)已成为各行各业提升工作效率的关键之一。然而,提示词的写法和适用场景却常常让人困惑。本文将深入探讨提示词的常用写法,并通过实际案例展示其在不同场景下的应用。 Google发布的最新框架CRISPE ...
五月天5525《回到那一天》25周年巡回演唱会,“任性”地把最完整且最扎实的演唱会设备海空运来到悉尼,并力邀好友周杰伦担任嘉宾,“任性”地“周五”组合在周六(22日)合体,一连演唱《安静》《稻香》《任性》《双截棍》四首曲目,周董称将今年澳洲的唯一一场 ...