Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet of Things technologies, zigbee-based wireless signal positioning has shown great potential in applications such as smart homes and industrial ...
STM32的硬件暂时先跳过,毕竟我是打算做嵌入式软件的,那就先开始从软件开始。首先就从配置模板开始吧! 1、创建模板文件夹 1.png 我在E盘中创建了STM_WorkSpace,用来存每次的工程,在其中创建了Template,用来存模板文件,这样每次创建新工程时,就不用在不同 ...
1.6.4 version release of ESP-ZIGBEE-SDK is based on esp-idf v5.3.2 1.6.3 version release of ESP-ZIGBEE-SDK is based on esp-idf v5.3.2 1.6.2 version release of ESP ...
我用2dBi天线测室内100m接收信号就-80dBm了。… 以下是关于卷积神经网络(CNN)图像识别入门的学习大纲:1. 图像数据处理基础学习图像数据的基本概念和特点,了解常见图像数据格式(如JPEG、PNG)和色彩空间(如RGB、灰度)。掌握图像数据的加载、预处理和 ...
If you're using a Raspberry Pi, ensure you have at least a Raspberry Pi 4, as running it on a Raspberry Pi 3 may cause instability due to its limited resources.
[BeMasher] was dissatisfied with the cost of other solutions to read his smart meter, so he made a project to read it himself using an rtl-sdr dongle. Using his hacking and reverse engineering ...