Emulates Node's zlib module for the browser. Can be used as a drop in replacement with Browserify and webpack. The heavy lifting is done using pako. The code in this module is modeled closely after ...
ZipAccel-D is a custom hardware implementation of a lossless data decompression engine that complies with the Inflate/Deflate, GZIP/GUNZIP, and ZLIB compression standards. The core features fast ...
This repository vendors boost using submodules. Be sure to pull them when cloning or updating this repository.
Use precise geolocation data. Actively scan device characteristics for identification. Store and/or access information on a ...
John Malkovich shares why he constantly turned down ‘gruelling’ Marvel films - ‘If you’re going to hang from a crane in front ...
齐鲁晚报·齐鲁壹点 王佳潼 通讯员 刘晓静 周洁 新春伊始,潍坊市临朐县处处涌动着建设热潮。塔吊高耸、机械轰鸣,勾勒出一幅幅高质量发展的生动图景。各企业趁着新春的良好开端,迅速吹响开工“集结号”,以饱满的热情和十足的干劲按下项目建设的“加速键”。 让百姓住得安心又舒心是临朐始终坚持的民生大事,在城关街道金地城二期安置项目现场塔吊林立,大型挖掘机挥舞长臂、运输车辆往来穿梭、工人配合默契, ...
Bun 的 1.1.3 版本已经发布,它是一个用于 Java 和 Type 应用程序的工具包和打包器。虽然它有一些新的功能,包括用于 S3 存储的 API、对 Chrome 调试的支持、大量的问题修复,以及 Bun 1.2(计划于下周发布)中承诺的 PostgreSQL 客户端,但该项目目前因包含特定于供应商的 API 和太多可能存在于库中而不是核心中的功能而受到批评。