华盛顿特区—使用 Absorb 生物可吸收血管支架(BVS; Abbott Vascular)似乎是治疗支架内再狭窄的一个安全和有效的选择,但一项小型研究的急性和晚期血管造影结果表明,“可消失”支架的性能不如 Xience everolimus 洗脱金属支架(雅培血管)。 上周在华盛顿特区举行 ...
Xience V™ everolimus-eluting stent (EES; Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA, USA) consists of the Multilink Vision cobalt–chromium (Co–Cr) platform with a nonerodable biocompatible polymer and ...
The long-term results of this study, performed in a limited number of patients, show that the XIENCE V stent is safe and is not inferior to the Taxus stent. Unfortunately, although clinicians are ...