国际柔联大满贯赛塔什干站比赛共有23个国家和地区的242名选手参赛。在女子-78公斤级比赛中,马振昭技高一筹,先后战胜日本选手杉村瑞希、克罗地亚选手帕维奇、以色列选手拉尼尔、德国选手博姆勇夺金牌。女子+78公斤级比赛,牛馨冉力克乌兹别克斯坦选手库尔班巴耶娃、以色列选手赫什科、哈萨克斯坦选手玛拉托娃、日本选手山口千寻,斩获金牌。惠欣冉、阿依曼·金俄斯努尔分获女子-48、女子+78公斤级铜牌,张苑莉、 ...
世界格兰披治桌球大奖赛由今年起连续5年在香港举行,也是启德体育园首项售票的国际赛事,全球首32名球手前来角逐冠军。火箭奥苏利云赛前因为身体健康问题缺席,但仍然有世界一哥卓林普压阵,加上另一名将希坚斯刚在中国玉山举行的世界公开赛夺冠、打破4年锦标荒,两 ...
The "two sessions" offer the world an important window into China's unique and distinctive whole-process people's democracy, through which the thoughts and aspirations of over 1.4 billion people have ...
National lawmaker Lu Dan, a post-90s woman in southwest China's Guizhou Province, believes that young people can play a bigger role in rural revitalization.
[ET Net News Agency, 3 March 2025] A non-direct manual trade of 10 million shares of TRACKER FUND (02800) was registered at 10:16a.m. The deal amounted to HK$235m, or at HK$23.5 per share, 1.5% higher ...
[ET Net News Agency, 3 March 2025] A pre-opening trade of 493,100 shares of BABA-W (09988) was registered at 11:03a.m. The deal amounted to HK$62.87m, or at HK$127.5 per share, same as previous close.