Reusing is a better option than recycling (after all, you can still recycle plastic bottles after giving them a second life). We've already covered some creative ways to reuse plastic water ...
Check to see if your local recycling program accepts Plastic #5 before you dump your old pill bottles into the plastics bin on garbage night. If your local recycling program accepts polypropylene ...
Thinking of ways to repurpose plastic containers? Why not put them to work in your garden? From creative planters to ...
Even though recycled polyester is a useful way to keep plastic bottles out of landfills and the ocean ... Even so, scientists are still coming up with new ideas to reuse the waste we have lying around ...
An alternative to that hassle is to buy disposable plastic bottles, but those aren't exactly environmentally friendly. Jean and Kevin Wu have a better way to avoid that dilemma: que Bottle.
Plastic also lasts for hundreds of years. So if you throw away a bottle, it'll still be there in the future when your great, great, great, great grandkid is about. So what can we do about it?
When Chris Clifford moved to Berlin a few years ago, he noticed something strange about the bottles ... But if your supply chain requires more transportation, reusable plastic might be the the ...
The Japan Soft Drink Association on April 19 announced plans to raise the ratio of recycled bottles to all drinks sold in plastic containers from 12.5 percent in 2019 to 50 percent by 2030.