“Flat out” is an expression that is believed to be inspired by the game of horseracing. When a race horse gallops at full speed, its four legs are seen to stretch OUT, and the rider is seen to lean ...
To mark the start of a new term, many schools across China laid on a variety of sporting activities.
Qingyang, a city in NW China's Gansu, boasts a long history and rich culture. Follow Egyptian student Aya to visit there and feel the charm of the ancient city and architecture.
Time off from digital devices. Find out how a school in England challenges students to stay away from their gadgets ...
(华盛顿17日综合电)美国总统特朗普上周四(13日)在白宫接受一名印度记者提问时,抱怨对方“口音太重”、“我一个字也听不懂”,直接打断对方、跳过对方提问,影片在网上疯传,引发挞伐,不过也有许多特朗普粉丝认为,他很诚实。综合《新德里电视台》(NDTV) ...
不为昨天而叹息,只为今天的美好而更加努力。晚安! Don't sigh for yesterday, cherish good night for a better today. 眼里没你的人,你何必放心里;情里没你的份,你何苦一往情深。