Last week’s column presented 20 questions on vehicle and traffic law (VTL) and traffic safety. Hopefully you took the test and kept your answers. This article repeats the questions and gives the ...
不少人的休息方式就是躺着玩手机。晚上躺着玩手机,也是很多人的“睡前习惯”。近日,一则“一直躺着玩手机双眼度数相差400”的新闻引发热议:本就近视的蔡女士发现,最近戴眼镜看东西也模糊。经过检查,她不仅近视度数增加,且两只眼睛的度数相差了400度。医务人 ...
Watch as we bring a unique twist to pancake art by combining Powerpuff Girls and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Each character ...
Gints Zilbalodis' immersive animated feast about a cat on a journey with other animals through a flooded world is a wordless ...
【河南正制定文旅产业链三年行动方案】财联社3月2日电,第六届“新时代 大文旅”交流会3月1日在郑州举行。河南省文化和旅游厅党组成员、副厅长李延庆在大会开幕式上说,目前,河南省正编制文旅产业链三年行动方案,将加大对链主企业的扶持力度,形成“链式”发展的格局,不断壮大文旅产业。
An annual winter feature of the “Did You Know” articles is a 20-question quiz on vehicle and traffic law (VTL) and traffic ...
As a teenager she dominated screens, landing roles in high profile series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Gossip Girl.