在今年全国两会开幕之际,全国人大代表,中信重工党委书记、董事长武汉琦对加速打造国产工业操作系统、推进高端工业控制器全国产化提出建议。 武汉琦表示,我国从制造大国向制造强国迈进过程中,拥有自己的工业操作系统必不可少。加速国产工业操作系统的研发不仅是突破 ...
Sunday night marked Hulu's first time airing the Oscars live. But its A cademy Awards debut ended on a chaotic and frustratingly premature note. Hulu's livestream cut off in the final moments of the ...
The U.K.'s data protection watchdog said Monday that it's investigating how TikTok uses the personal information of teenagers to deliver content recommendations to them when they use the social media ...